Truck Mounted Vacuum System
Oil Spill Response
Truck mounted vacuums have become a necessity for manufacturing operations that are out of doors and in remote areas. Included in these industries are petroleum, wastewater treatment, sanitation, commercial aviation, agriculture, and disaster clean up. With the rising concern for recycling and waste recovery, truck mounted vacuum cleaners have become an essential part of retrieving raw materials from landfills and dump sites.
What is a Truck Mounted Vacuum System?
Vacuum trucks fill a wide variety of purposes depending on the industry. They can transfer liquid, clear away debris from a work location, dig holes, or assist in locating underground utility lines. Though cleanup is one of their main functions, they are not limited to that singular operation.
The workings of a vacuum truck include a pump that provides suction to the vacuum hose through an intake valve. As the hose begins sucking, the waste is transferred to the primary chamber of the truck. A secondary chamber is available as the primary chamber fills to avoid waste coming in contact with the vacuum truck’s pump.
There are a variety of methods used to empty a truck mounted vacuum cleaner. The way it is emptied depends on its design with some trucks having a back hatch that is opened and allowing the collected waste to be dumped. Vacuum trucks can have a pressurized system to force out the waste, a procedure that can be harmful to the equipment.
Uses for Truck Mounted Vacuum System
With rising concern for the environment, vacuum trucks have become an essential part of a variety of applications and operations. What makes them so popular is their mobility, which provides them with access to remote areas. Since there are few restrictions on the types of waste matter a vacuum truck can remove, they are considered to be the best solution to cleanup and waste removal.
A very common use for truck mounted vacuum cleaners is sludge and water removal. In areas where there is too much water or mud, vacuum trucks are used to easily remove and repurpose it. The purpose of the removal is to protect infrastructure and the environment. The collected water and mud are redirected for useful purposes.
A critical need in major cities is the maintenance and control of their sewage and septic systems. Vacuum trucks are used as a means of controlling any overflows or leaks as well as assisting in maintaining the integrity of the systems. They relieve the burden of systems to help it run smoothly and efficiently.
An unusual use of vacuum trucks is as a part of an excavation where they supply water for surface removal as well as a method for collecting the water and any debris. This process shortens work on a job and limits the need for manpower. Instead of having a digging crew, a vacuum truck can be operated by two workers and use less time.
An important feature of vacuum trucks is the service they provide in times of disaster when rapid removal of debris is critical to life saving operations. As damaging as a disaster can be, the piles of debris can be harmful to the environment and dangerous to survivors. Truck mounted vacuum cleaners swiftly, efficiently, and effortlessly remove rubble to assist in recovery efforts.
The uses for truck mounted vacuum cleaners listed above are a few of the many ways that they have become a vital part of construction, environmental protection, and project maintenance.
Benefits of Truck Mounted Vacuum Systems
There is a long list regarding the use of vacuum trucks for cleanup and waste removal. They have become essential due to their versatility, limitless uses, and mobility. Several industries that have outdoor operations are finding more and unique uses for these valuable tools.
An important part of using truck vacuums is the reduction of labor hours, which is critical to lowering the cost of a project. When large areas need to be cleaned, it has been traditional to hire a cleaning crew. With a vacuum truck, the operation can be completed in less time with two operators.
A mechanized vacuum truck can complete cleanup, waste removal, waste collection, liquid removal, and other tasks quicker and more efficiently. The saving of time helps reduce cost, the need for labor, and improves the time frame for the completion of a project.